The cuphead comic

Welcome to the cup head comic if your reading this then it’s about cuphead and his endless adventures so here we go.


chapter one cuphead time.


Once apon a time there was a guy named cuphead. and his friend named mugman.

If you know cuphead and mugman they look like this.


cuphead is the one on the left and mugman is the one on the right they were both a team their was a potato that ruled the world cuphead and mugman were gonna stop potato the potato looked like this.


the potato was evil cuphead and mugman were gonna stop him but a battle happened while they were gonna get the potato the people who stopped cuphead and mugman looked like this.


Cuphead and mugman were gonna accept the battle to earn coins so they battled

So they started battling chapter two the battle

Cuphead started attacking.


And the frog person said bring it on.


So will cuphead and mugman win lets see who will win the frog and toad were gonna. transform to beat cuphead and mugman cuphead and mugman were beating him and. frog and other guy transformed cuphead and mugman may die but they tried and tried and tried they did it the frog and toad lost this is what they looked like when they lost


Cuphead and mugman got coins they got 3 coins they had enough coins to get something from the shop this is what the shop looked like plus there was a weirdo in the shop.


The weirdo person in shop said welcome what do you two boys want cuphead said do you have some magic potions mugman said of couse I do one of them cost 3 we have enough mugman said ok we will take a magic upgrade cuphead said so let’s purchase the magic mugman said and they did pay for the magic potion golly. cuphead let’s go get the potato now and they went to battle potato and cuphead and said we’re gonna get you for what you did potato cuphead said oh I will see you two boys try so here comes the real battle guess what cuphead and mugman did it.


But a random boss battle came OMG IT WAS THE BIG BIG BIG HARD BOSS BATTLE THE DEVIL THE DEVILS NAME IS PONCHO HE IS REALLY REALLY STRONG cuphead and mugman flee the battle because it’s to hard to battle the devil

Said cuphead.


Oh no it’s another boss battle oh wait a minute that’s not a boss battle but let’s just find another boss mugman said. cuphead let’s fight the devil mugman said ARE YOU CRAZY cuphead said of couse I am said mugman oh boy you are crazy after all cuphead said let’s do it mugman said.


Chapter two are you sure you’re match for the devil.


The two boys were gonna fight the devil but a weird guard was blocking the entrance to the devils lair you can’t guess who it is.


Well I gues we have to battle this guy mugman said .agree said cuphead they battled as hard as they can cuphead mugman were hurt but they did it the devil opened the entrance door alright you can have a break now from blocking door a week you break is 10 seconds wait your not the guard devil said let me guess another person trying to be a hero and kill the devil you can not kill me said devil cuphead and mugman flee for no reason. Wow these guys are scard of me of course they are scard well devil just. went inside and locked the door. cuphead and mugman thought they were dead but they were not devil was not chasing cuphead and mugman cuphead and mugman were safe and sound. the devil was working on a really strong nuke to destroy the world. Cuphead and mugman were soon gonna stop the devil.

Hey a random person said would you like 3 coins for free the random person said.


Random person looked like this. why are you in a kart cuphead said but why do you have a cup for a head the random person said. Why do you say some people have a cup for a head cuphead said. Can I put a straw in your head and drink your water the random person said NOOO! Said cuphead can we have our coins for free now said mugman.


Chapter 3 it’s a deal.

You can get your coins if you do something for me said the random person. oh so we have to do something whatever it is its a deal cuphead said. Okay the deal is to fight my school bully in college his name is weirdo is bully said the random person. Okay mugman said cuphead. The two boys went to battle the school college bully it was successful. Ok we did it now give us our 3 coins said cuphead oh wait a minute where are my manners my name is Weirdo said weirdo. Ok now give the coins said cuphead ok said weirdo *gives coins to cuphead* thanks for the coins said mugman and cuphead.


Chapter 4  short chapter about shop


Ok said cuphead. Let’s use these coins at the shop said cuphead. agree said mugman. welcome said the weirdo in shop.


What would you like said the weirdo in shop. Umm we would like the multiple shooters said cuphead and mugman. that would cost 3 coins said the weirdo in shop.

Thanks for the multiple shooters said cuphead and mugman. No no thank you for the coins said the weirdo in shop. Woooohooo we got a really strong shooter but it has little range said cuphead let’s celebrate


Chapter 5 WHAT IS THAT!!!!!!!!!


OMG OMG OMG WHAT IS THAT said cuphead. IDK BUT IT LOOKS REALLY SCARY said mugman. don’t fear said the guy. why not said cuphead this is what I look like said the guy. oh said cuphead and mugman would you like to get a lot of coins said the guy. YEAH OF CORUSE said cuphead and mugman. go to the devils world he has a lot of people that have money said the guy. Ok said cuphead and mugman.


Chapter 6 it was a trap


Cuphead and mugman went to the devils world and a spy caught them and then trapped them when cuphead and mugman got trapped. Ahhhh oh I should have never trusted that guy said cuphead and mugman never fear said the weirdo from shop. I’ll save you said weirdo from shop.


Cuphead and mugman can’t believe it it was the guy from shop I never introduced myself said weirdo from shop my name is porkgrind said weirdo from shop. meh name is porkgrind if ya did not hear me say my name said porkgrind.


Chapter 7 cuphead and mugman need a break from adventures.


Cuphead has had a long Adventures but they need a break. So they took a break at there house and chatted. Cuphead what should we do while we have a break from all that adventures said mugman. Let’s just take a break for 10 minutes said cuphead. Ok said mugman. Ten minutes later. Ok now let’s just go for more adventures said cuphead.


Chapter 8 do the adventures get hard I don’t think so.


Why is there potato on the new we already took potato down cuphead said.

Why is potato here said mugman. Maybe potato got stronger and then take over world again said cuphead we gotta go defeat him again said mugman.

Welcome to the cup head comic if your reading this then it’s about cuphead and his endless adventures so here we go.


chapter one cuphead time.


Once apon a time there was a guy named cuphead. and his friend named mugman.

If you know cuphead and mugman they look like this.


cuphead is the one on the left and mugman is the one on the right they were both a team their was a potato that ruled the world cuphead and mugman were gonna stop potato the potato looked like this.


the potato was evil cuphead and mugman were gonna stop him but a battle happened while they were gonna get the potato the people who stopped cuphead and mugman looked like this.


Cuphead and mugman were gonna accept the battle to earn coins so they battled

So they started battling chapter two the battle

Cuphead started attacking.


And the frog person said bring it on.


So will cuphead and mugman win lets see who will win the frog and toad were gonna. transform to beat cuphead and mugman cuphead and mugman were beating him and. frog and other guy transformed cuphead and mugman may die but they tried and tried and tried they did it the frog and toad lost this is what they looked like when they lost


Cuphead and mugman got coins they got 3 coins they had enough coins to get something from the shop this is what the shop looked like plus there was a weirdo in the shop.


The weirdo person in shop said welcome what do you two boys want cuphead said do you have some magic potions mugman said of couse I do one of them cost 3 we have enough mugman said ok we will take a magic upgrade cuphead said so let’s purchase the magic mugman said and they did pay for the magic potion golly. cuphead let’s go get the potato now and they went to battle potato and cuphead and said we’re gonna get you for what you did potato cuphead said oh I will see you two boys try so here comes the real battle guess what cuphead and mugman did it.


But a random boss battle came OMG IT WAS THE BIG BIG BIG HARD BOSS BATTLE THE DEVIL THE DEVILS NAME IS PONCHO HE IS REALLY REALLY STRONG cuphead and mugman flee the battle because it’s to hard to battle the devil

Said cuphead.


Oh no it’s another boss battle oh wait a minute that’s not a boss battle but let’s just find another boss mugman said. cuphead let’s fight the devil mugman said ARE YOU CRAZY cuphead said of couse I am said mugman oh boy you are crazy after all cuphead said let’s do it mugman said.


Chapter two are you sure you’re match for the devil.


The two boys were gonna fight the devil but a weird guard was blocking the entrance to the devils lair you can’t guess who it is.


Well I gues we have to battle this guy mugman said .agree said cuphead they battled as hard as they can cuphead mugman were hurt but they did it the devil opened the entrance door alright you can have a break now from blocking door a week you break is 10 seconds wait your not the guard devil said let me guess another person trying to be a hero and kill the devil you can not kill me said devil cuphead and mugman flee for no reason. Wow these guys are scard of me of course they are scard well devil just. went inside and locked the door. cuphead and mugman thought they were dead but they were not devil was not chasing cuphead and mugman cuphead and mugman were safe and sound. the devil was working on a really strong nuke to destroy the world. Cuphead and mugman were soon gonna stop the devil.

Hey a random person said would you like 3 coins for free the random person said.


Random person looked like this. why are you in a kart cuphead said but why do you have a cup for a head the random person said. Why do you say some people have a cup for a head cuphead said. Can I put a straw in your head and drink your water the random person said NOOO! Said cuphead can we have our coins for free now said mugman.


Chapter 3 it’s a deal.

You can get your coins if you do something for me said the random person. oh so we have to do something whatever it is its a deal cuphead said. Okay the deal is to fight my school bully in college his name is weirdo is bully said the random person. Okay mugman said cuphead. The two boys went to battle the school college bully it was successful. Ok we did it now give us our 3 coins said cuphead oh wait a minute where are my manners my name is Weirdo said weirdo. Ok now give the coins said cuphead ok said weirdo *gives coins to cuphead* thanks for the coins said mugman and cuphead.


Chapter 4  short chapter about shop


Ok said cuphead. Let’s use these coins at the shop said cuphead. agree said mugman. welcome said the weirdo in shop.


What would you like said the weirdo in shop. Umm we would like the multiple shooters said cuphead and mugman. that would cost 3 coins said the weirdo in shop.

Thanks for the multiple shooters said cuphead and mugman. No no thank you for the coins said the weirdo in shop. Woooohooo we got a really strong shooter but it has little range said cuphead let’s celebrate


Chapter 5 WHAT IS THAT!!!!!!!!!


OMG OMG OMG WHAT IS THAT said cuphead. IDK BUT IT LOOKS REALLY SCARY said mugman. don’t fear said the guy. why not said cuphead this is what I look like said the guy. oh said cuphead and mugman would you like to get a lot of coins said the guy. YEAH OF CORUSE said cuphead and mugman. go to the devils world he has a lot of people that have money said the guy. Ok said cuphead and mugman.


Chapter 6 it was a trap


Cuphead and mugman went to the devils world and a spy caught them and then trapped them when cuphead and mugman got trapped. Ahhhh oh I should have never trusted that guy said cuphead and mugman never fear said the weirdo from shop. I’ll save you said weirdo from shop.


Cuphead and mugman can’t believe it it was the guy from shop I never introduced myself said weirdo from shop my name is porkgrind said weirdo from shop. meh name is porkgrind if ya did not hear me say my name said porkgrind.


Chapter 7 cuphead and mugman need a break from adventures.


Cuphead has had a long Adventures but they need a break. So they took a break at there house and chatted. Cuphead what should we do while we have a break from all that adventures said mugman. Let’s just take a break for 10 minutes said cuphead. Ok said mugman. Ten minutes later. Ok now let’s just go for more adventures said cuphead.


Chapter 8 do the adventures get hard I don’t think so.


Why is there potato on the new we already took potato down cuphead said.

Why is potato here said mugman. Maybe potato got stronger and then take over world again said cuphead we gotta go defeat him again said mugman.


My favorite game

My favorite game is roblox because it’s multiplayer and it has millions of games made by users in roblox that’s why I think it’s a really fun game

Slice of life

One time I whent in prosca park and it was flooded my brother and I went to see the flooded proca park I saw a lot of water and it was muddy.

Verb or noun

today in 3b we had cards that were a verb or a noun

A verb is a action and noun is not an action we had cards we had to say if it was a verb or a noun

Slice of life

My first slice of life is when I got my first iPad. It was crismas morning I got my first iPad from a present. Santa got it for me I did not know what it was but soon I figured out that it was a iPad and I played on it and I downloaded apps and I downloaded a very popular game it’s called roblox and I had so much fun on my iPad and that’s my I was cheering I feel glass because my iPad is glass and it has an iPad case